Teaching & Training People of Color Firefighting Techniques

Teaching & Training People of Color Firefighting Technique

Mike Anderson Community & Neighbors June 19, 2021 at 4:31 pm
pledged of $275,000 goal
Days Left
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Project Ends on July/20/2030
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Project Description

A little bit of context

Retro Fire Trucks Training Academy is looking to purchase several different used fire trucks. We will also need to restore them back to their original fire departments. We at Retro Fire Trucks & Training have big plans for the apparatus that we purchase and restore back to their original department and planning use them in teaching & training people of color firefighting techniques along with, teaching fire prevention programs for adults and children

But there’s a problem

Right now time is of the essence since these trucks are currently sitting on a used fire truck lot and could be purchased by someone else. Another problem that we are going to have is funds for restoring it back to its original status. This includes working on the engine, painting, lettering, plus anything else that may arise.

Here’s what we’re doing about it

Retro Fire Trucks Training Academy plans once the apparatus is ready to go is to get them out in the public. We are planning on being in parades, community & neighborhood events, along with working with organizations in the community about our program teaching & training people of color firefighting techniques.  We also plan on doing birthday parties, Fire Prevention and Training Programs for children & adults, fire truck shows & musters. The main reason for having trucks from other cities is to show people up close what other cities’ apparatus looks like. It will also show the people we teach that there are more opportunities than just Fort Wayne.

By doing this we at Retro Fire Trucks Training Academy do not represent those cities in any way while using their used apparatus.

While being in the fire service, I have taken many classes and one of them was a Fire Instructor course. This is so I could teach firefighters different courses and I can teach and create my own classes. We will be working with different agencies to encourage people of color to come to our classes. This will encourage individuals that attend our classes so we are able to work with the actual firefighting equipment and inspire them to apply for a job in emergency services. Another area we plan on working with them on is firefighter agility testing. By doing this money will also be needed to purchase firefighter training equipment.

Teaching Fire Safety has always been a passion for me personally. I have been in the Fire Service for over 35+ years serving many different positions. The one I enjoyed the most was Division Chief of Fire Prevention & Inspection. That got me out in the public and no matter if it was an inspection or talking with a classroom of children I was always teaching Fire Prevention.

You can join us

We at Retro Fire Trucks Training Academy are seeking $275,000. For the purchase of several different used fire trucks along with the repairs that it will require. We are also going to need to purchase firefighting training equipment for the training we plan on doing to assist people of color to learn and train with actual equipment. Will also money to purchase firefighter training equipment, such as firefighting gear which is helmets, coats, pants, boots, gloves, and a hood. The equipment we will need is air packs (SCBA), different sizes of hose, axes, pry bars, and other hand tools. We also will need a lot of help paying for the Insurance.

We at Retro Fire Trucks Training Academy appreciate your donation to get us up and moving in the right direction.

Your support of my dream project is very much appreciated and I Thank you from the bottom of my heart for believing in me/us.

May God bless you and your family.

Thank you again,

Tim Jones

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