IDIDIT Foundation Frequently Asked Questions
What’s the IDIDIT Foundation’s mission?
IDIDIT Foundation provides Free access to the IDIDIT Platform as a means for people with Resources to match up with Recipients. IDIDIT is a place where anyone can post any IDIDIT (Video, Image or Message), spread that IDIDIT message and encourage others to do the same. Take the IDIDIT CHALLENGE (#IDIDITCHALLENGE) and let everyone know.
Create your own unique IDIDIT or use an example of an existing IDIDT in the form of Video, Image, Message or combination and challenge all your friends, family, co-workers and others to do the same, making their IDIDIT and spreading the IDIDIT message. Remember to use the hashtag’s #IDIDIT & #IDIDITCHALLENGE
Prohibited Perks
We asked our experts to shed some more light on what you have to consider when you set up your campaign and list of perks. Our Terms of Use provides a comprehensive list of perks that cannot be offered by members of IDIDIT Foundation and users of the Platform.
Does IDIDIT refund money if a campaign is unable to deliver?
IDIDIT does not issue refunds. ALL Transactions are between the campaign creators and Donor/Contributors directly. Please reach out to the campaign creator regarding any unmet agreement(s) directly.
Can I offer a raffle or lottery?
Campaign owners are not allowed to offer any form of lottery or gambling. A good alternative is to run a referral contest.
Can I offer alcohol?
Campaign owners are not allowed to offer any alcoholic consumer products; This includes perks such as wine, beer or hard liquors. As an alternative, campaign owners may offer vouchers or memberships offering physical delivery or in-store pickup of the alcoholic consumer products.
How does campaigning work?
Each campaign is independently created. The campaign creator is in charge of putting together all necessary information regarding the project. The creator is also in charge of launching the project, setting the funding goal and deadline, accepting or denying partner requests, and marketing the project. If people like the campaign, they can contribute funds towards its creation.
Who is accountable for completing a campaign as promised?
The IDIDIT campaign creator is held accountable for the completion of their campaign. IDIDIT does not take part in the creation or process of any campaign. IDIDIT cannot guarantee a campaign’s success. We also do not investigate a campaign’s ability to complete their mission, vision or goal. IDIDIT gives the power to the people to decide the effectiveness and integrity of a project by whether you decide to fund it or become a part of it by requesting to collaborate.
Can I offer my contributors shares in my venture or a return on their investment?
Campaign owners are not allowed to offer any form of “security” (as such term is defined in the Securities Act of 1933). This means that campaign owners are not allowed to offer perks such as notes, stocks, treasury stocks, security futures, security-based swaps, bonds or debentures. For a comprehensive list, please take a look at the Securities Act of 1933 on the SEC website. Consult your local Securities Commission for more information.
What is Prohibited in an IDIDIT Campaign?
Being Socially responsible we encourage your creativity while being socially responsible. A complete list of prohibited ideas and items are listed at here and IDIDIT Foundation always reserves the right to discontinue a campaign in violation of any of the terms listed therein.
Can I offer my contributors a share of future profits?
Campaign owners are not allowed to offer any form of financial incentive or participation in any profit sharing; Financial incentives include items such as prepaid debit cards, bullion and pure cash. Memberships and discounts are all acceptable.
Crowdfunding/Campaigns ~ What is crowdfunding and what are the benefits?
Crowdfunding by definition is, “the practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people.” With crowdfunding, it’s much easier for you to get your opportunity in front of more interested parties. It serves as a great marketing tool, gives proof of concept, introduces prospective loyal customers, provides invaluable customer feedback, and it’s easier than traditional loan applications or pursuing capital investments.
When you connect with a crowd that believes in the things you do, it can instantly take your project from idea to existence and when you create a campaign on IDIDIT it allows for connecting and collaborating with people who believe in the same things you do.
Can I offer weapons or related items?
Campaign owners are not allowed to offer any weapons, ammunition and related accessories; This means campaign owners may not offer perks such as firearms, knives, holsters or scopes. Safety-enhancing perks such as gun safes are acceptable. Memberships to firing ranges and range time are also acceptable.
Can I offer vaporizers or pipes?
Campaign owners are not allowed to offer any controlled substances or drug paraphernalia; Campaign owners cannot offer perks such as vaporizers, pipes, marijuana, prescription drugs or any other devices that are intended to be used primarily to enhance or facilitate the consumption of controlled substances.
Can I offer my contributors a plane ticket to come visit me and my project?
It depends. You are more than welcome to offer perks that involve flights provided by authorized airlines. However, campaign owners are not permitted to launch an airline or issue tickets that have not been authorized by local authorities.
I won’t offer a prohibited perk, but can I run a campaign related to it?
Generally, yes! IDIDIT Foundation is committed to being an open platform, and just because you cannot offer a certain perk does not automatically mean you cannot run a campaign related to the perk. For example, while vaporizers are prohibited perks, you can run a campaign to fund the manufacturing of your vaporizer.
Why should I use IDIDIT Foundation’s Platform?
IDIDIT Foundations Platform and approach is unique— We offer a unique Platform for Recipients and Resources to connect. That means we’re a great fit for people at every stage of the creative process, including creators who need an early marketplace solution. Whether you’re just getting started with an idea or have already gone into production, there’s a home for your project on IDIDIT.
My product and idea was crowdfunded elsewhere – Can I still use IDIDIT to raise awareness, exposure and funds for my project?
Yes! As long as your product was part of a crowdfunding campaign—whether at IDIDIT or on another site—you’re eligible to sign up for the IDIDIT Platform.
Why do you offer both fixed and flexible funding options?
Freedom. It’s a good thing! Choose the style that fits your own idea and goals: Flexible Funding means you keep all the money you raise, regardless of your goal; Fixed Funding means you have a specific funding goal that must be met, which can be a good choice for technology and products that require set funding to enter production.
How long does a project appear on your site?
Projects can remain on our site for as little or as long as you choose.
Why is it important to spread the word about my campaign?
If no one knows what you’re up to, then no one can support you. Spread the word about your campaign through social media or host a live event with a few of your family and friends. Let them know why you’re doing this and inspire them to become a part of your movement.
What type of project can I raise money for?
Most people use IDIDIT Foundation to raise money for themselves, a friend or loved one during life’s important moments. This includes things like medical expenses, education costs, volunteer programs, youth sports, funerals & memorials – even animals & pets. You may even want to raise money for a product or service that will help and/or benefit others or simply a business idea you want. All projects help the IDIDIT Platform.
That said, we’re always amazed at all the unique ways people use IDIDIT to raise money online. The possibilities are endless!
Does it cost money to post IDIDIT’s?
Our website is completely free for to create, share, post your IDIDIT Video, IDIDIT Message and IDIDIT images for FREE and share your online fundraising campaign, IDIDIT will deduct a 8% fee from each donation that you receive which goes into the IDIDIT General Fund to help other IDIDIT’s and carry the IDIDIT message. Since our fee is deducted automatically, you’ll never need to worry about being billed or owing us any money. A small processing fee of about 3% will also be deducted from each donation. Please see Pricing & Fees for more info
Is there a minimum donation?
You can give as little as $1 and get the same level of choice, transparency, and feedback that is traditionally reserved for someone who gives millions.
Is it safe?
Your IDIDIT campaign features the very best in secure payment encryption technology. Not only are your donors’ online payments safe, your money is stored securely until you’re ready to request a withdrawal via PayPal or eTransfer. Cheques are available.
How do I get my money?
Once your IDIDIT fundraising campaign begins receiving online donations, you can easily request a withdrawal at any time. Don’t worry, withdrawing money does not affect the progress meter that’s displayed on your IDIDIT campaign. Simply click the ‘Withdraw’ button inside your IDIDIT account and follow the on-screen instructions. You can withdraw your balance directly to your bank account.
How long do withdrawals take?
Most withdrawals take between 5 and 7 business days. You can choose between an electronic bank transfer (eTransfer) or paper check delivery during the withdrawal process.
Do my donors get charged?
No, never. Other sites might charge your donors without you knowing it, but we would never do that. Donors are charged only the amount they choose to donate to you and that’s it.
Are there any time limits?
Nope. With IDIDIT there are no deadlines or time-limits. Your campaign will remain live until you choose to stop donations or remove the campaign altogether. Most users leave their campaigns live indefinitely as a lasting memory of all the wonderful comments and support they received.
Note: If you would like to set a deadline, simply choose our ‘All-or-Nothing’ campaign option during Sign-Up.
Who will donate to my campaign?
Your campaign will be supported by the people in your life. This includes friends, family members, loved ones, coworkers, classmates and teammates. Only after your campaign receives the support of the people you personally know can it begin to attract the support of others.
What if I don’t reach my goal?
No problem. With IDIDIT, you keep each and every donation you receive. Reaching your goal is not required.
Are gifts tax-deductible?
As a registered charity, donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of Canadian law. Our tax ID # is (coming soon).
How will I know if someone donates?
You’ll receive an email notification each time a donation is made to your IDIDIT campaign.
What if I’m not comfortable sharing this with friends & family?
Sharing your campaign with friends and family is a part of what makes IDIDIT work so well. Not only will the people in your life support your campaign, but they will also help spread the word to their friends as well. IDIDIT users should not expect to receive support from strangers but it often happens.
Why does IDIDIT have to charge 8%?
IDIDIT has major operating expenses like any popular internet service including technology, infrastructure, payroll & benefits for our dedicated team of employees. We have purposely created a business model that allows users to sign-up and launch their campaign for free. Visitors to our users’ campaigns are greeted with a frustration-free giving experience, void of advertisements and other distractions – helping our users raise even more money.
IDIDIT operates on only a 8% fee deducted from each donation received. Very few organizations can claim they help as many people on such a small percentage of gross payment volume. Unlike other crowd funding sites the entire 8% goes into the General Fund and after expenses is used for funding other IDIDIT’s.
In short, IDIDIT is an incredibly efficient and effective way to provide financial support to those you care about most. Not only can donors give in an extremely targeted way, but more money goes directly to the intended recipients than other organizations can claim.
Do I have to use my real name?
Yes. IDIDIT is a site that rewards authenticity and transparency. However, you may choose to hide your campaign from being listed on IDIDIT during the Sign-Up process.
Do I have to be a non-profit to use this?
Not at all! Anyone can raise money online using IDIDIT’s personalized fundraising campaigns. Our users often raise money for themselves or for friends they want to help out. IDIDIT was designed to allow everyday people to do wonderful things with the money they raise online. That said, many non-profits do use IDIDIT because it’s such a great way to raise money online. IDIDIT users can also raise money for their favourite charity.
Will IDIDIT help me get media coverage?
The best way to get into the spotlight is to pursue your own local media first. The good news is that your local newspaper and TV news stations are starving for interesting stories like yours. Once your campaign begins to really pick up steam, a member of the IDIDIT team may contact you.
Can I keep my campaign private?
While you can choose to hide your campaign from appearing in IDIDIT’s Public Search Directory, anyone who has your IDIDIT campaign link will be able to access your campaign. There’s no way to keep your campaign 100% private. The IDIDIT mission is to spread the IDIDIT’s so we encourage sharing.
How do you ensure integrity?
While the Platform is open to all users, both Resource providers and Recipients, All IDIDIT Projects funded from the IDIDIT General Fund are vetted and must complete a stringent and detailed application before being approved and their IDIDIT us funded by the IDIDIT Foundation. Audited Financial statements, video’s, photograph images and a report showing how every dollar was spent is available for each IDIDIT request detailing exactly what % went to and a cost report showing how every dollar was spent.
Do I have to use my Facebook account?
Although optional, connecting your account to Facebook is highly recommended and makes sharing your campaign with others incredibly easy. A valid Facebook account is required for all campaigns that wish to appear within IDIDIT’s Public Search Directory. Don’t worry, we’ll never post anything to your Facebook account unless you say so.
Where do I choose which category I want to appear in?
The IDIDIT Team manually reviews each and every campaign that is created. Those campaigns that qualify to appear in our Public Search Directory will be categorized by a member of our team.
How do I know it’s safe to donate to someone?
With so many campaigns, it’s not feasible for IDIDIT to investigate the claims stated by each Campaign Organizer. Rather, we provide visitors with the tools to make an informed decision as to who they choose to support. While IDIDIT and its payment partners do provide a number of safeguards to deter fraud, we must insist that visitors follow the advice stated on each and every campaign. “Only donate to people you personally know & trust.”
What are ‘Update’ messages?
IDIDIT’s ‘Update’ feature is a great way to add fresh information to your campaign. In doing so, you can choose to share the post with your current supporters and donors – you can even share the Update on Facebook to attract more support. Update messages can also include up to 3 photos or videos.
How can I share my campaign?
Every IDIDIT campaign is given a unique link that’s easy to share with others (you can even customize this link). Sharing your fundraising campaign is easy using IDIDIT’s built-in features like email invitations and Facebook posting and other social media like Twitter, Instagram etc.
Can I raise money for anything?
Almost. As always, common sense goes a long way here. DO raise money for personal causes that are purposeful, exciting and inspiring to others. DON’T break any local laws, expect strangers to buy you stuff or promote inappropriate content. When in doubt, browse our categories of thousands of successful campaigns to see how others use IDIDIT.
Can I raise money for a friend?
Of course! IDIDIT has created an easy way for your beneficiary to securely access the funds you have raised. Through IDIDIT they will be given direct access to the money you have raised for them. Please note, you will not be able to enter their check or bank information during the withdrawal process, they will need to do this themselves.
Email us at and we’ll be happy to help you out! As this list is not comprehensive, please also visit our Terms and Conditons for more details.