Emergency Funds Needed

Emergency Funds Needed for

Melissa Illness & Healing October 11, 2017 at 8:47 am
pledged of $2,000 goal
Days Left
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Project Ends on May/31/2019
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Project Description

Hello, my name is Melissa. I don’t like asking for help, but I find myself in a desperate financial situation and am needing some assistance.  I am currently married and have a 3 year old daughter.
I lost my job back in March of this year. I did regain employment, however, it’s for a lesser hourly rate. During this time I have had 3 ear tube surgeries and now the medical bills are totaling close to $20,000 right now and that is with insurance. I am asking for a starting goal of $2,000 just to get our finances back in order and to start paying for the medical bills before they go into collections. Any donation (no matter the amount) my family and I would be grateful for.  The funds are needed as soon as possible due to the fact I have a $180 electric bill, daycare expense of $350, and my car payment of $200 all due next week. Thank you for taking the time in reading my story.

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