Local online libraries by #TagCoders

Promoting the use of structured hashtags for easy sharing and retrieving of online content with local or topical relevance such that it merges with online libraries created by others

Jan Education January 28, 2017 at 1:22 am
pledged of $100,000.00 goal
Days Left
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Project Ends on March/31/2018
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Project Description

First consider that content tagged with structured hashtags can be easily found and retrieved via search engines, across languages.

If shared via Twitter, the content can also be shown in Twitter timelines that can be embedded in websites and blogs.

Some of the endless possibilities are illustrated by short videos at the Wikinetix website.

When sharing, which hashtags to use?

Structured hashtags have been defined for a huge number of topics and several tools support the quick and easy discovery of the tag for a specific topic in a specific place:

One step” tools include these mobile friendly wiki pages:

  • a tag pivot as illustrated by #Tags for the #2030Agenda – it provides tabbed tables which support the easy discovery of hashtags for economic activities, sustainable development goals and targets, functions of government and workpackages that are part of action agendas. The tags for economic activities and functions of government are also listed in the #tag guideline e-book below;
  • an alphabetic word cloud in which each word consists of a name (of a city or other local government unit), “-” and the hashtag for the local. Such clouds are illustrated:
    • for the EU: #EUlgu tags for the NUTS 3 areas
    • for the US: #USlgu tags for counties and states
    • for India: #INlgu tags for states and districts
    • for the Philippines: #PHlgu tags for Provinces and #PHlgu tags for municipalities
    • for Tanzania: #TZlgu tags for regions and districts
  • for most countries of the world, the Actor Atlas contains a page with key “systematic” #tags for the country. These country pages can be found via Actor Atlas initiative books page.
  • There is a #udhr hashtag for each article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  • There is a #a4a2030 hashtag for each article of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda
  • There is a #pacc hashtag for each article of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change(December 2015).
  • There is a #nua2030 hashtag for each article of the New Urban Agenda (under construction).

Your first #TagAThon

For the moment there are over twenty thousand tagged pages and tweets.

The topical content that is retrievable via these pages and tweets will fill more room than what’s available in print from an average libary.

It is already far beyond what anyone will keep in a personal library.

Yet it is only a tiny fraction of what is needed for locally relevant libraries in the common languages of the world.

For these languages Wikipedia gaps were evaluated a few years ago.

To grow the tagged online content, a #TagAThon is a suitable initiative.

If you can’t contribute financially to this campaign, you can contribute by calling your friends and doing a #TagAThon.

Be a #TagCoder!

Let us know your Twitter handle and we create a #TagCoder page embedding your Twitter profile.

Let us know about your #TagAThon, its common hashtag, the location code (#WWlgu tag), the preferred language of its content, and we create the corresponding page with link at the pivot page of the language and the corresponding local government unit (#lgu) page.

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Limit: 0 of 500 taken.
Bronze Donor
A Bronze Donor's donation will be acknowledged at the pivot page of the selected language. As soon as a language reaches a total donation of 3000 dollars, the pivot tables will be translated into the language. All Bronze Donors will receive a perpetual free copy  
#Tag Guideline - World
Limit: 0 of 2500 taken.
Hashtag Coder
#TagCoders' contributions will be the essential effort by which the local online libraries will grow. #TagCoders will be acknowledged at the pivot page of their language of choice, typically the language of the content that they share. The Twitter handles of #TagCoders will be embedded in the
page of their country, city, state, county, province, district, or municipality. All HashTag Coders will receive a perpetual free copy of  #Tag Guideline - World (e-book). Stories from HashTag Coders will be featured in coming versions of the e-book, and the print book (if and when it comes). HashTag Coders who are featured in the e-book will be  assigned the title of #GoldCoder. HashTag Coders who are featured in either the e-book or its print version will receive a free copy when a print version is published. The book will be signed by the creator of this #IDIDIT crowdfunding campaign, the world's first "Hashtag Coder".
Limit: 0 of 1000 taken.
Step 1: Specify your contribution amount for Local online libraries by #TagCoders

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